Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How To Hypnotize Someone Using Only Your Eyes

Eyes Hypnosis
Practice Full Command Over Your Own Eye Movements

First of all, you will need to make sure you have full command over your own eye movements and ability to maintain eye contact for as long as possible without blinking. Blinking breaks eye contact connection with the other person which is vital to the ability to hypnotize another person. As a result, you should practice. Stand in front of a mirror and practice not blinking. The longer you can last, the better chance you will have to hypnotize another person using only your eyes.

Practice Your Technique With Someone

After practicing, ask a friend or loved one who trusts you to allow you to practice on them. Be sure to hypnotize a person in a place clear of distractions where they feel secure and safe. If they are sitting ask them to sit as straight as they can. If they are standing let ask them to distribute their weight evenly on each foot.

Once they are comfortable instruct them to focus their eyes on a spot underneath your right eye. Next, you will want to stare at them with unwavering, strong eye contact without blinking. Start counting from five to one in a soothing, low, soft voice. After each number is spoken, tell the person their eyes are growing heavy, droopy and are closing. Let them know that they are sleeping and when you speak a certain word they will wake up.

Be Careful and Responsible

If the person is standing up, you might need to catch them or help them from falling out of a chair. At this point, you can ask the person whatever you would like to or get them to recall past memories. While a person is hypnotized be sure to constantly remind them that they are safe. A person’s well-being is your responsibility while they are hypnotized. Watch their breathing to make sure it is even and normal. Take them out of the hypnosis when you want to and ask if they have any memories of being hypnotized.
As far as I know if you can communicate with your patients well and perform your techniques well and do mindset, your business will develop very quickly because hypnosis has been a trend and adopted by many people. How To Hypnotize Someone

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10 Easy Steps Success

10 Easy Steps Success
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." —Winston Churchill

We are the consequence of our past and at the same time the cause of our future. This means that right now we are creating our future with our every thought and with our every action. Let's see how.

We all accomplish goals in our personal life, in school and on the job. So I have a question for you: "Whose goals are you accomplishing?" Are these really your goals or are they imposed upon you?

For, how do we explain that 2% of the population has 90% of the wealth in the world? This is a well-known fact. Another question comes to mind: are you among the 2%?

Set your own goals and act to accomplish them or someone else will hire you to accomplish theirs! Be the part of the 2%!

What is Your Goal?

It doesn't matter where we are coming from. The only thing that matters is where we are going. Do you know where you are going? Do you really, exactly know your way?

If you do, I encourage you to proceed! But, if you don't, I must ask you: "What is your goal?"

That is a crucial step most people don't take time to consider. Truth is, the answer is in you. Maybe your mind doesn't realize it yet. But your heart does - and you can discover the answer when you are in the Alfa state of mind, which happens during meditation, for example.

Only connecting to your inner self can lead you to your true self and help you get an honest, ego-less answer to the question: "What is my goal?" When you manage to "find it out", set is as your priority, make an action plan, decide to accomplish it and do it!

Decision Comes First.

Decision is just the first step, but actions are every step after that first one.

Do you know the story about the three frogs that are standing beside a lake and then one frog decides to jump in? How many frogs are now beside the lake? Three. For one frog decided to jump, but it never did! Don't be that frog.

The Missing Key Without Which all Else Crumbles.

You can learn verified practical techniques for bettering your own mind, or emotional development techniques, and then techniques to further your intellectual skills; you can even find management tools, problem-solving tools, etc. The Internet is full of instructors. Books about self-development are all around us. But why do many of them not work?

Because the most important thing is missing: Until it is explicitly clear exactly where we should apply these techniques and how they will help, how can we know we are on the right track and that the techniques won't just hurt us?

Why you aren't satisfied.

But first answer this: Have you set your own goals? And if you did, what are you doing to accomplish them?

If you want to be successful and satisfied, then the first thing that you must do is to set your goals. Here are 10 points to help you realize whether the goals you've set are the right for you.

Success Formula

You are the only one who knows what is best for yourself. Find it IN you. Create your own peace and find out what your desires are. Make a connection with your inner self. Transform your desires to goals. Find out what your main goal is! Set your own main goal. Create an action plan, set time limit and do it! Reach it! Live it! Excellence exists in you. Be the excellence. Sense your feelings and listen to them. Do whatever it takes to feel good. Stick to it. Act. Do it! If you fail, do it again and again. Try and try again. No one has succeeded doing something big in their first attempt.

Catherine B. Roy is an author and Founder of "Live from Your Heart and Mind" (LHM) community, Awarded Top 30 Under 30 Young Leaders in the World, Member of MENSA and The Wellness Universe, Award Winning Artist and Scientist, Poet, Philosopher and Published Author whose stimulating, upbeat and inspirational writings have helped countless people in the world.

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Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1437 H


Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb

Tak terasa perjuangan kita di bulan ramadhan lalu telah sampai pada puncaknya, kini di hari yang fitri ini, penulis (Read: Pen) dan keluarga ingin meminta maaf apabila ada salah-salah kata dalam tulisan Pen selama ini, begitu juga dalam perilaku Pen selama ini. Tak ada manusia yang sempurna di dunia ini, maka sudah sewajarnya Pen selaku manusia biasa meminta maaf, semoga permintaan maaf Pen bisa diterima.

Begitu juga dengan Pen sendiri, Pen membuka pintu maaf selebar-selebarnya bagi siapapun mereke, yang dikenal, maupun belum, yang pernah dijumpai maupun belum.

Ini adalah posting pertama Pen setelah beberapa bulan terakhir, semoga dengan awal yang barokah ini, kedepannya blog Pen dapat memberikan lebih banyak lagi manfaat bagi teman-teman semua.

Kami sekeluarga mengucapakan :

Minal Aidin wal Faizin
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1437 H
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb